以下粘贴一份香港社会评论员Michael Chugani(中文名:禇简宁)今天发表在头条日报的一个评论,从这个短评浓缩了香港高房价引发的社会问题,包括居住条件恶化,年轻人结婚推迟,居民功利性增强等。
*Living under flyover*
I am thinking seriously about living in a shipping container under a flyover. My landlord will soon raise my rent to a level I can't afford. Rents in Hong Kong are skyrocketing, which means they are going up a lot very quickly. Even rents of subdivided flats are sky-high, which means the rents are so high it's like they have reached the sky. Legislative Councillor Chan Yuen-han wants the government to convert (change) shipping containers into homes and put them in the empty spaces under flyovers.
Just think of the rent I would save by living in a converted shipping container. I could finally afford to impress beautiful girls with pricy (expensive) presents. But Hong Kong girls are very money-minded (interested in money). Would they dump me (slang for get rid of) if I took them home for a romantic evening in a container underneath a flyover? Even if they don't dump me, their money-minded mothers would forbid (not allow) them to date someone who lives in a container instead of in the Mid-Levels. Chan Yuen-han has a duty to advise me about that since it was her idea to convert containers into homes.
只消想想住进改装(converted)货柜后省下的钱,让我终于得以负担昂贵(pricy)的礼物去取悦美女了,但香港的女生很市侩(money-minded),要是我带她们到天桥底的货柜过浪漫一晚,她们会否就此抛弃(dump,get rid of的俚语)我?即使她们没有抛弃(dump)我,她们市侩(money-minded)的母亲必然会禁止(forbid)她们继续跟住在货柜而非半山的人交往。陈婉娴有责任替我想想办法,因为是她想出要将货柜转换(converted)成住屋的。
Containers that are converted into homes must use portable toilets because the spaces under flyovers do not have sewage pipes for proper toilets. Portable toilets can be moved from place to place. They have a storage area underneath the toilet bowl to collect the urine and excrement, which must be regularly emptied. The portable toilets inside the converted containers would surely shake when big and heavy trucks speed along the flyovers above. This shaking could cause the portable toilets to topple over (lose balance and fall). All the urine and excrement would spill out. I am worried this could happen while I am having a romantic evening in my shipping container. The girl would surely dump me, even if she was not money-minded. I think Chan Yuen-han should first live in a container under a flyover for a month. She could then give me a full report before I decide if I should do the same.
变成(converted)住屋的货柜得用流动厕所(portable toilets),因为天桥底并没有正常洗手间要用的污水渠。Portable toilets就是流动厕所,马桶下有个储便槽,收集大小二便,得定时清理。每当天桥上有重型大货车飙过,这些改装(converted)货柜内的流动厕所(portable toilets)必然会强烈摇晃,导致流动厕所(portable toilets)倒翻(topple),所有的大小二便会倾泻而出,我很担心这会在我于货柜内享受浪漫良夜时发生。即使那女孩并不市侩(money-minded),她也必定会抛弃(dump)我。我认为陈婉娴应该先住进天桥底的货柜一个月,再给我一份完整报告,让我权衡一下是否要这样做。
Michael Chugani 褚简宁